When painting the shadow side of objects or when painting shadows, mixing large amounts of Ivory Black, Lamp Black, or Mars Black does not work, as you end up with a very muddy color.
Instead, for yellow shadows, use gray (a mixture of black and white) plus yellow ochre.
You can also create a shadow using the complementary color of violet.
For orange shadows, use the complementary color of blue or burnt sienna (plus gray if you like).
For red shadows, use the complementary color of green or perylene brown or alizarin crimson (and a small amount of dioxazine violet to get really dark).
For blue and green shadows, use phthalo blue and/or ultramarine blue.
And for purple shadows, use ultramarine blue (plus dioxaxin violet if you like).
Creating shadows on warm colored objects is either reducing the intensity of a color by mixing gray or a complementary color, while creating shadows on cool colored objects is by mixing a cool color, namely blue.